The home was originally situated at 51-53 Matthews Lane where land was acquired in 1877. Later it expanded to Numbers 49-57 as adjoining land was acquired or donated.
All Chinese over the age of 60, who are unable to work, and who have no means of making a livelihood, may request admission into the Home. The applicant must be recommended, and the Executive Committee of the Chinese Benevolent Association may admit the applicant after investigating the applicant’s financial and other situation.
In 1960 it was decided that a new home was needed, and on 18th March 1962, after raising £19,000 in donations, and much work by Fred Hugh Sam and Lowe Wee Chun, the new facility adjoining the Chinese Sanitarium was opened.
In recent years it has housed 5-10 elderly individuals, but in the past has served up to 40 at a time.